Our story
In 2009 I moved to Melbourne, Australia and moved into an apartment opposite Proud Mary (one of the very best cafes). That is where I discovered Speciality coffee for the first time… I became intrigued and curious about this magic brown drink…
I then found that there was great coffee to be drank everywhere across this coffee mad city… I became interested and evolved to a damn right geek in filters and any thing black… I even ditched sugar!!!!
All this time whilst immerising myself in this new passion of mine I was leading a successful fashion career… whilst I was enjoying the creativity and buzz that this industry gives you… I felt more and more drawn to cafe culture and the carious proceseses of extracting the good stuff… I even did a barista course with no intention other than just wanting to learn more about it… I visited and frequented some of the very best cafes in Melbourne and then planned my holidays around where I would be able to access good coffee… no good coffee- I wasn’t going!!!
I moved back to London in 2015 and noticed a change in the city. We had nice cafes, great coffee and a new wave coffee scene too - nowhere like it was in Australia but it was on its way. Since then i would visit the London coffee festival every year and it would get bigger and bigger…..
In 2018 I decided that I could no longer see coffee as a hobby. I would be doing my fashion job dreaming about working in coffee. But I just couldn’t afford to give up a well paid job to join the hospitality industry on minimum wage. That's when I took a massive plunge!! I quit my job, sold my London flat and decided to travel the world to really reflect and think about my life plan… I spent all my time in cafes across the planet drinking coffee.
In 2019 I decided it was the time to do what I was always passioned about and had dreamt of - owning my very own cafe.
I thought about London and concluded they were lucky enough to have some amazing places… so then thought about my home town Leicester and how every time I went home I would struggle to find something as good as what I was used to…I believe I know what good looks like or tastes like…
I’ve emersed myself in this beautiful industry, have enlisted the help of some of the best coffee minds in the industry and this mixed with my vast service and fashion experience hope I can deliver a place that my home city can be proud of…..
Actual coffee obsessive
Go to coffee: Filter
Head Barista
Loves Finland
Go to coffee: Filter
Senior Barista
King of Banter
Go to coffee: Flat White
Impressions of our cafe